A Healthy Weight Loss (Slimming) Program
The Importance of NUTRITION and EXERCISE
Eating right is only the first step in reaching and maintaining your weight's goal. The next is creating an exercise regimen, which has numerous benefits other than simply promoting weight loss. It is essential to incorporate a healthy diet with moderate physical activity and or exercise in achieving a healthy lifestyle.
• Helps control blood sugar (glucose) levels.
• Builds endurance - helps you go the extra mile.
• Promotes and maintains heart health.
• Helps improve bone density - makes for stronger bones.
• Resistance exercise increases lean body mass and muscle density.
• Improves overall flexibility.
• Increases metabolic rate during and after exercise, increasing the body's use of more kilojoules.
• Increases fat burning capabilities and an important predictor of weight maintenance.
• Delivers higher levels of oxygen in the blood, increasing energy levels and decreasing fatigues throughout the day.
• Promotes sound sleep at night.
• Boosts self-esteem.
• Boosts self-confidence.
A critical key to a successful exercise programme is to choose something you enjoy doing! Whether you are WALKING, RUNNING, SWIMMING, SURFING, OR BIKING; choose activities that you look forward to doing everyday. Perhaps, you could ask you physician or health personnel if you have ANY related health conditions
How Can You Lose Weight?
To lose weight, you need to eat fewer calories than you burn. But don't go on a crash diet to see how quickly you can shed the fats. The healthiest and longest-lasting weight loss happens when you do it slowly, losing 1/2 to 1 pound a week. By cutting back by 500 calories/day, by eating less and being more physically active, you can lose about one pound a week.
Here are some tips to help you lose weight and get on track to healthy eating:
• Choose foods low in calories and fat.
• Choose foods high in starch and fiber.
• Choose whole-wheat vs. processed starches.
• Reduce the size of your meal.
• Keep a food chat if possible.
• Exercise.
1. Ami-Tone; take 3 tablets at night - 3 hours after your last meal with ordinary water.
2. NeolifeTea; take half of a sachet every morning or as directed.
3. Fibre Tablets; chew 3 tablets - 15 minutes before each meals with lots of water.
4. GR2 Appetite Reducer; take 2 tablets once daily.
6. Pro Vitality Pack; take
Glycaemic Response Controlled, includes muscle retaining BCAAs and Promotes gut-brain satiety signalling*
Power your heart daily with ALL the listed whole-food supplements*
You are much welcome to joining us in the healthcare industry and wellness advocacy in building a rich lifestyle for you and your family; likewise having an independent GNLD/NEOLIFE Business and in creating self-empowerment opportunities for you.
Powered by GNLD International.
The Importance of NUTRITION and EXERCISE
Eating right is only the first step in reaching and maintaining your weight's goal. The next is creating an exercise regimen, which has numerous benefits other than simply promoting weight loss. It is essential to incorporate a healthy diet with moderate physical activity and or exercise in achieving a healthy lifestyle.
• Helps control blood sugar (glucose) levels.
• Builds endurance - helps you go the extra mile.
• Promotes and maintains heart health.
• Helps improve bone density - makes for stronger bones.
• Resistance exercise increases lean body mass and muscle density.
• Improves overall flexibility.
• Increases metabolic rate during and after exercise, increasing the body's use of more kilojoules.
• Increases fat burning capabilities and an important predictor of weight maintenance.
• Delivers higher levels of oxygen in the blood, increasing energy levels and decreasing fatigues throughout the day.
• Promotes sound sleep at night.
• Boosts self-esteem.
• Boosts self-confidence.
A critical key to a successful exercise programme is to choose something you enjoy doing! Whether you are WALKING, RUNNING, SWIMMING, SURFING, OR BIKING; choose activities that you look forward to doing everyday. Perhaps, you could ask you physician or health personnel if you have ANY related health conditions
How Can You Lose Weight?
To lose weight, you need to eat fewer calories than you burn. But don't go on a crash diet to see how quickly you can shed the fats. The healthiest and longest-lasting weight loss happens when you do it slowly, losing 1/2 to 1 pound a week. By cutting back by 500 calories/day, by eating less and being more physically active, you can lose about one pound a week.
Here are some tips to help you lose weight and get on track to healthy eating:
• Choose foods low in calories and fat.
• Choose foods high in starch and fiber.
• Choose whole-wheat vs. processed starches.
• Reduce the size of your meal.
• Keep a food chat if possible.
• Exercise.
1. Ami-Tone; take 3 tablets at night - 3 hours after your last meal with ordinary water.
2. NeolifeTea; take half of a sachet every morning or as directed.
3. Fibre Tablets; chew 3 tablets - 15 minutes before each meals with lots of water.
4. GR2 Appetite Reducer; take 2 tablets once daily.
6. Pro Vitality Pack; take
Glycaemic Response Controlled, includes muscle retaining BCAAs and Promotes gut-brain satiety signalling*
Power your heart daily with ALL the listed whole-food supplements*
You are much welcome to joining us in the healthcare industry and wellness advocacy in building a rich lifestyle for you and your family; likewise having an independent GNLD/NEOLIFE Business and in creating self-empowerment opportunities for you.
Powered by GNLD International.