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FAQ ABOUT NEOLIFE OMEGA-3 SALMON OIL PLUS: GHANA: +233208520993, +233245703180


Q. How can Salmon Oil Plus have more omega 3 fatty acids then the other omega 3 products and still be in a smaller capsule?

A. By using a unique and exclusive process known as “Molecular differentiation” we can concentrate on specific omega 3 fatty acids while eliminating unnecessary elements.

Q. If there are eight members in the omega -3 fatty acid family why didn’t GNLD have them in the Omega 3 Concentrate and Salmon Oil before now?

A. Though we have known for some time that there are 8 members, technology did not exist that allowed us to “standardize” all 8 and guarantee delivery with every batch until now.

Q. What is molecular differentiation?

A. Molecular differentiation is a technology used to select specific nutrient molecules from fish while eliminating or reducing the unwanted molecules.

Q. Why did GNLD use tuna in Salmon Oil Plus?

A. Specific types of fish have specific fatty acid profiles. Tuna is naturally higher in DHA and its DPA precursor, therefore tuna oil was chosen as the starting point to maximize those omega-3 fatty acid levels.

Q. Why are anchovies and sardines used in Salmon Oil Plus?

A. Anchovies and sardines are both naturally higher in EPA and its ETA precursor. Anchovies and sardines were chosen as the starting point to maximize those omega-3 fatty acid levels.

Q. Can GNLD use molecular differentiation for Omega 3 Concentrate and Salmon Oil to provide a higher level of potency in those two products?

A. No. Salmon Oil Plus reflects a level of technology not attainable using Salmon Oil or Omega 3 Concentrate.

Q. Why does Salmon Oil Plus contain more DHA then the other products?

A. Leading edge research has shown DHA and related omega-3 fatty acid members are more important to overall health than was previously thought.

Q. Is Salmon Oil Plus Patented?

A. No, however both the technology and the Salmon Oil Plus formula is exclusive of GNLD.

Q. Is Salmon Oil Plus more effective in relieving inflammation than the other omega 3 products?

A. Because of the concentrated and completeness of the Salmon Oil Plus it should provide greater overall benefits.

Q. How much of the fatty acids are from Salmon Oil?

A. Although the percentages of fatty acid sources are considered proprietary we can tell you the majority does come from salmon and that salmon oil is the single largest ingredient in the product.

Q. Will I experience the repeating with Salmon Oil Plus as I do with the current omega 3 products?

A. Because the Molecular differentiation process allows us to reduce unnecessary molecules involved in taste and odor most users notice less repeating.

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